Our church provides a few different options for you to contribute financially to enable the church and our partners to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. All contributions are tax-deductible.
each morning service we pass offering plates for anyone to give their tithes
and offerings. During the evening service there is an offering box
located the soundbooth for those wishing to contribute. Cash or check
only please. If you'd like to receive a tax deduction for cash or check gifts,
the gift should be placed in an offering envelope with your name and address on
it unless using your pre-numbered envelope. Extra offering envelopes can be
found in the pews.
First Baptist Church
W. Gilford Rd.
MI 48723
giving is a fast and convenient way to give to the church. If you plan on
regularly giving through our online option, we ask that you remember that Caro
First Baptist Church is charged a 3.0% transaction fee + a 39 cent processing
fee for each individual offering. This means that the church will be
responsible to pay this collective charge on a monthly basis. If you so choose, you can pay the transaction fee by selecting the "add 3.0%" box at the end of the online giving form.
Credit Disclaimer:
you are currently in debt or have a history of debt problems, please do not use
your credit card to give to the church.